
Gluten-Free Bakeries On Campus

University of Connecticut Operates Gluten-Free Bakery

  • 15 May 2015

University of Connecticut Operates Gluten-Free Bakery

Believed to be the first of its kind on any college or university campus in the United States, University of Connecticut Dining Services opened a gluten-free bakery in April. The bakery’s goal is to supply all campus establishments serving food with gluten-free products by the end of the semester.

Taking over the university’s former test kitchen, the campus gluten-free bakery will produce muffins, brownies, cookies, cakes along with other baked goods. Working without ingredients that contain gluten which is the main protein in wheat, barley, and rye) is a challenge.

Rob Landolphi of the school’s Dining Services expressed, “It’s very different cooking without gluten. Gluten is in everything – it holds it together, it gives us that elasticity, it gives that bite. Without it, we must use xamthan gum or guar gum to give the products structure.”

According to the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness, an estimated 1% of Americans have the autoimmune disorder which requires them to eat gluten-free food.  Research estimates that nearly 18 million more Americans have a gluten sensitivity. 

With gluten-free products gaining in popularity in recent years, whether for celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, or a lifestyle change, it will be interesting to see if gluten-free bakeries spread to other campuses.

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